Deckchair Project Engagement
In our collaboration with Wave Particle we have produced the deckchair covers. Both the Red and the Blue colours have been chosen from the Ardrossan Town Coat Of Arms.
The style of the lettering is an Art Deco style which works very well with the subtle wave design. This gives the impression that the deckchairs are billowing in the wind, even when they are not.
Ardrossan Coat Of Arms

Below you will find the finalised design style and colour scheme that has been used on the deckchairs. The design takes into account the red and blue from Ardrossan Towns Coat of Arms. These colours will bring the towns heritage to the forefront of the promenade.
Finalised Deckchair Design

Choosing The Words
Below you will find 50 words that were used for the intial 50 deckchairs that are going to be delivered. If you hover/tap on each word they will flip over explaining why the word has been chosen. This will hopefully give you some inspiration for your part which starts below this list.
Geography-Ardrossan Coastline, Invitation for a type of leisurely walking, History: “Ardrossan developed during the 18th and 19th centuries thanks to its position on the coast”
Geography, (Whitelees), history: Town was a centre for Shipbuilding, Invitation to: beach yoga….
Game element: beach game -The 20 yard dash, History x 2: The Ship Dasher and Morse code (dot dash)
Sign: Local gala day-sign, weather notice, combines with: FAIR-PLAY, -TRADE, Game element: referees flag
Geography, combines with SUN, invitation to relax
History, (Steamer) combines with: SHIP, invitation: to play in the SEA
History: Winton’s football ground, Game Element: Pitch and Putt /rounders/football/ invitation to propose an idea for story/film/business
Geography x2 -Ailsa Craig and Crinan Rock, Ardrossan Rock pools, Invitation to make music Rock! Stick of Rock
combines with CASTLE, SEA, SUN, signage for competition: SAND CASTLE BUILD History SAND ropes: see Fergus Barclay and the Devil
History x 2- Cannonhill, and local employer Shell-Mex, combo SEA SHELL, shellfish
History, shipbuilding, Dasher, Ardrossan Ferry, Ferry campaign, combines with: SPACE SHIP
Geography, Name for support group for Ardrossan beach- to shore up, combines with: SEA
History: see Ardrossan Railway, invitation to TRAIN, Game element for kids: deckchairs arranged as a train..
Geography – new playground on South Beach The Wavefield, Invitation to wave-hello/goodbye, History: see: First Trans-Atlantic Shortwave broadcast connects Ardrossan- 1921
Signage to: MEET here, Prompt for local story gathering workshop- where/how did you meet?
Invitation to SAIL, Game element with kids – Deckchair canvas as a sail of a boat
invitation to FLOAT, game element for workshop: “What floats your Boat?”
Geography- coastline formation, History of the tides, Information: on tides
Geography/ History: see Ardrossan Castle, Game element: move in chess, combines with: SAND, BUILD: signage for competition: SAND CASTLE BUILD
Invitation to look at a particular viewpoint, combines with: DRAW, Invitation to offer opinion your VIEW.
Invitation, Play-game,
Invitation to swim, Combines with SUN, Archive photo prompt- send in images of Bathing in Ardrossan over the years,
Combines with SHIP, FREE, OPEN, SHARE, PLAY, A prompt for education on Astronomy and the stars
Combines with play SUN DANCE (Ardrossan’s own sundance beach film festival?)
Invitation –beach dance, History: see Miss Johnstone of Ardrossan – (the dance) prompt to record memories of the local dances, Combines with CHANCE DANCE…a new form of speed dating on a beach?!
History/Geography-see Ardrossan Harbour. Sign: Safe space on beach for a creche, etc.
Combines with- SPACE/TIME/SAND/CENTRE/FAIR, Invitation to enjoy games on the beach
History: First Trans-Atlantic Shortwave broadcast connects Ardrossan- 1921, Game – communication by hand signals/ ship signals, morse code, sign language.. Combines with FLAG
Combines with …CHANCE MEET, speed dating workshop (!) FREE CHANCE Game element, ( monopoly etc,) Story prompt: A chance encounter…
History: -Town Crest, Game element- deckchairs as shields in a battle, Combines with SUN Shield
History/Geography: Ardrossan’s Bridges, Combines with SAND BRIDGE, / DRAW.., SHIP-connection to castle, Game element- cards: Beach bridge,
History: Town’s flag? Combines with MAKE for workshops- Flag making, Game element, Invitation: To flag an issue that concerns you.
Combines with SPACE, PLAY, SEA, TIME, TRADE, Also acts as signage for all FREE events
Signage for all events, including any business, Combines with STAGE, game element OPEN competition
When Workshopping- someone is the CHAIR, names the DeckCHAIR,
Combines with PLAY-TIME, TIDE TIME, FREE, Game element TIME the DASH to get the RECORD, prompt for story: the TIME I….
Sustrans, signage-for hire bikes, education workshop theme -life cycles of nature, sustainability: recycle/FREE CYCLE, Invitation to activity…
Invitation to Yoga class, Geography, (this stretch of beach…) encouragement to STRETCH yourself, prompt for story STRETCH back in TIME
Game element- Invitation in a beach workshop to CHEER! History- Winton’s most famous win? 1935-36 when they won the Ayrshire District Cup?
Invitation ‘for the record’ tell a story /share a memory/experience. Game element: break a record, Music: nominate a favourite record (music)
Invitation to put something on, STAGE PLAY, signage, Workshops- ‘A STAGE in a project’, Combines with OPEN STAGE, CENTRE STAGE, CIRCLE, Education: Stages of life,
Invitation: workshop -form a CIRCLE, PLAY CIRCLE, game element draw a circle on the beach, Story prompt: come full CIRCLE
History- Ardrossan’s town trades, Combines with FAIR TRADE/TRADE FAIR, FREE, game element- set up a beach barter…
Invitation: workshop SHARE your view, prompt to gather a story: SHARE a memory experience/photo/ Education – how shares work in the local economy/business, People having a SHARE in future of your town.
Signage for an outdoor cinema, Combines with OPEN SCREEN – folk bring their own films, SUNDANCE SCREEN, SCREEN PLAY, Education theme: ESCAPE SCREEN TIME.
Combines with SHARE PICTURE, build local archive of images related to South Beach, workshop on art and imagination- PICTURE this, legend to prompt a photo, workshop: MAKE PICTURE
invitation to beach drawing workshop, Event: The DRAW for a raffle, Combines with DRAW PICTURE/BRIDGE/ game element -result..? DRAW
History: see Sir Fergus De Ardrossan: Declaration of Arbroath, Workshop: make your own signs, (flag making): education SIGN language, astrology (Signs Zodiac), beach drawing workshop, sign the beach!
Invitation/ Combines with: MAKE SAND CASTLE, etc. MAKE TIME, workshops MAKE FLAG, MAKE PITCH
Engagement Day Feedback Video
As a result of our Community Engagement Day held at Ardrossan South Beach on 14th August, we have put together a short video that details the event and the feedback we received and how we are going to use this feedback in order to improve our local community.
Joe’s Story
The video has Joe’s nephew and local resident Jim Smith telling the story of his Uncle Joe. Describing Joe’s life and his accomplishments.
Interspersed with images of Joe during his football career and his Army career, this video is just another way of showing that the community of Ardrossan has a rich tapestry of characters, achievements and history that may not have been discovered or may have been lost for future generations to learn about and be proud of.
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